Travel by public transport
In relation to the trip you want to calculate:
Your carbon footprint
The estimated footprint of your activities:
kg. CO₂
Calculated activities (0)
1. Select the forest you like the most
2. Decide how many trees you would like to use to mitigate your carbon footprint
3. Make your contribution with just a click via different payment methods
2. Decide how many trees you would like to use to mitigate your carbon footprint
3. Make your contribution with just a click via different payment methods
Participate in a Green Engine Forest
1. Select the forest you like the most
2. Decide how many trees you would like to use to mitigate your carbon footprint
3. Make your contribution with just a click via different payment methods
2. Decide how many trees you would like to use to mitigate your carbon footprint
3. Make your contribution with just a click via different payment methods
*The compensation is relative to the equivalent area of forest capable of absorbing the calculated amount of CO2. Each forest has different tree density so the amount of your contribution may differ slightly.